Ideas for making children’s birthday posters

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Birthday poster – Is this fun event coming up? Look for decor with fun colors and great details. Children’s birthday  are essential.

Children’s birthday posters are one of the focuses of attention at any party where you place them. In this case, for children’s parties, those made in foam or with colored markers are especially good. To help you a little and get inspired, here are some videos with examples and tutorials to follow. What do you think?

Examples of children’s birthday posters

I propose a video with great examples of posters made in foam. This type of material is excellent for making crafts. You can get it in soft, soft, and easy-to-fold sheets. Also, these sheets (thicker than felt) can be chosen in a wide range of colors.

Foam is easy to handle since it can be cut, glued, and even sewn. You can also paint on it and create thousands of great compositions. In this case, the letters can be drawn on foamy and then cut out. Stick the notes on a beautiful surface or decorate with them together. You take the decoration! Meanwhile, I leave you this video with examples of posters for children’s birthdays.

How to make raised letters to use on posters!

The letters in 3D or relief are relatively easy to make and are spectacular! If you don’t know how to make 3D letters, here is a great tutorial where you will learn, step by step, how to do it. Once you have learned the technique, create as many letters as you want, making a beautiful poster for birthdays.

In the example of children’s birthday posters, the letter is made of cardboard, although it can cause other materials. I think this is the best you can choose. When you have the letter, you can decorate it however you want to paint, fabric, and various beads.

Double or bubble letters! Do you know how to do them?

Suppose you prefer to make a handmade birthday sign; here is how to make beautiful bubble letters or “chubby” letters. If you want a more traditional poster, go ahead and draw the birthday boy’s name large and create fantastic notes in a color you like the most.

If you are not a very good draftsman, here are the steps to create bubble letters. I hope you like them and know how to integrate them into the birthday poster. Once marked with a black marker and well-drawn, you can decorate them inside with paint or even stick glitter to make them shiny.

Finally, I tell you that you can take this type of letter to a different material that is not paper (which is the one seen in the video), Both in felt, like foam, cardboard, or even a beautiful wooden sign choose the material that you like the most and embody this or other letters.

A sign made of decorated letters

In this video, you will see the steps to follow to decorate a letter made of cardboard. With the technique you have seen in previous points, you can create these types of letters and then decorate them differently. Although, you can also buy a ready-made letter and decorate it to your liking.

This video offers you an example of how a well-decorated 3d letter can look. The important thing is your imagination and that you apply colors that combine well with the birthday party. Remember, your vision should have no limits. You can play with all kinds of articles, beads, fabrics.

A great technique, which is widely use in different types of decorations, is called Scrapbooking. This consists of sticking all kinds of cuttings on a surface. With a little acrylic paint, decorate the 3D letters of the children’s birthday posters. They will be beautiful.

Poster made with foam balloons Add color to the party!

In this case, the balloons have been a draw on different foam sheets. As I have mentioned in previous points, this material is delightful to work on different types of crafts.

On this occasion, the sign consists of a series of balloons (each with a letter) that form a nice poster.

The balloons can be trac with a black marker on the foam. Directly cut out and add the letter inside or the other way around. Join all the letters with a rope or a pretty bow as a garland, and you will see how precious it is.